Sunday, February 24, 2008

Fun Topics on Health in the News

There's been quite a few health and medical topics in the news of late that has caught my attention. I figured I'd share them with you, dear heAlTH reader:

*The AP wrote an excellent piece on so-called "Wiihabilitation." I think the Wii and other gaming technology has huge potential for rehabbing injurieis and such. If you search for "Wii" and "rehab" on Google News you'll find lots of local stories about Wii and rehabilitation. That is the power of the AP. Once the AP writes about it, it becomes news everywhere. There's lots of neat stories on this subject. This, of course, raises the question about Athens. I wonder if either of the two hospitals or the university are incorporating the Wii in their therapy programs??

*I love bananas. When I lost a bunch of weight (before gaining much of it back again. d'oh!), it was (and still is) a big part of my daily diet. Typical breakfast for me: cereal (usually cheerios), skim (or soy) milk and a banana. I have friends who share my affinity for bananas. One is even nicknamed "Banana Guy" (seriously!). So, when I was driving in my car turning the dial, this interview on NPR's Fresh Air certainly caught my attention. I really want to read Dan Koeppel's new book. I think it's an awesome example of taking a small topic and becoming an expert on it. I really want to read it. Maybe it'll be submitted to the NBCC. I sure hope so.

*When I was back home visiting my parents in North Carolina I read a blurb in the local paper about a device from that allows you to get health and nutrition information on foods from thousands of popular restaurants. So, for example, if I went to Chilis and wanted a salad I could send a text message on my cell phone to the program and get back the nutritional information. I'm kind of afraid to know what I might find out. I guess for those who truly want to get (or stay) healthy, knowing what you eat is certainly important. Like the GI Joe cartoons imparted on me when I was a child: "Knowing is Half the Battle."

That is all for now. Hope you guys and gals find these news tidbits helpful.

1 comment:

Patricia Thomas said...

International travel revealed to me that the world abounds in bananas, and that smaller is better in much of the world. Bananas the size of ballpark hotdogs (and smaller) are intensely delicious in Thailand and Africa. In rural Uganda you can buy foot-long stalks of these babies from roadside vendors. In that same country a different variety is picked green, mashed with spices, wrapped in banana leaves and baked for hours over slow charcoal. The result is a tasty substance the consistency of mashed potatoes but better for you.